

5816 Hamblen Dr
Humble, TX 77396

P.O. Box 6237
Kingwood, Texas 77325

36,000 Square Feet State of the Art Manufacturing and Fabrication Facility

The new 36,000 Sq. Ft. facility was designed for Triad’s specialized manufacturing requirements. Overhead cranes and specialized equipment allow for the efficient flow of material through the facility.

In support of our customer’s quality monitoring systems we offer private offices for supplier quality engineers. These offices are equipped with private phone, fax and internet connection lines.

The new 36,000 Sq. Ft. facility was designed for Triad’s specialized manufacturing requirements. Overhead cranes and specialized equipment allow for the efficient flow of material through the facility.

Click for full sizeIn support of our customer’s quality monitoring systems we offer private offices for supplier quality engineers. These offices are equipped with private phone, fax and internet connection lines.

Fabrication Area
  • 36,000 Sq. Ft.
  • Two 10 Ton Overhead Crane
  • Two 5 Ton Overhead Crane

Fabrication Equipment
  • (20) Welding Machines
  • (1) Ransome Welding Munipulator
  • (1) 10,000 Lb. Welding Positioner
  • (7) 500 Lb. Welding Positioner
  • (2) 10,000 Power Rolls


Triad has a supply agreement with an ISO certified CNC machine shop. This shop has several CNC lathes and other equipment that can be viewed on the Machining page of the website.

Other Areas
  • Office Space - 6,000 Sq. Ft.
  • Storage Space - 3,000 Sq. Ft. Enclosed.